Restore Your Health

Health can be restored on all levels (body, mind and spirit) in a natural, holistic way by getting to the root of the disharmony and supporting the body’s systems



A safe, effective and natural approach to promote healing and prevent illness from occuring in the body.

Fertility & Pregnancy Support

Proven benefits as an alternative or compliment to other Fertility procedures, support during pregnancy, prep for labor and postpartum support.

Sports Medicine Acupuncture

For more complete injury recovery, injury prevention, quicker recoveries and enhance overall performance.

Facial Rejuvenation / Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic acupuncture therapies for the face, neck, and abdomen.


Acupuncture is a safe, effective and natural approach to promote healing and prevent illness from occurring in the body. It supports a natural healing process and is effective for a wide variety of health challenges. Acupuncture works by stimulating Acupuncture points located on the body and accessed with the insertion of very thin, single-use, sterile needles.


Vital energy, called Qi (pronounce chee) runs through our bodies along an intricate system of meridians. An adequate flow of Qi to all our body systems is vital for promoting healing and maintaining health. Think of the meridians like a system of garden hoses, connected to each other and flowing with Qi. Pain, injury, physical and mental illness, fatigue, anxiety and disease can occur when the flow of Qi is blocked, stagnates, becomes excess or deficient.


Acupuncture accesses the meridians removing blockages, ensuring free flow of vital energy and while providing systems support. Trauma, stress, injuries, emotional disturbances, grief / loss, among other things can influence and impact the flow of Qi, compromising our overall health. Acupuncture is a root-based medicine meaning it targets the core of health challenges. Treating illness and disharmony at the core facilitates long term, more complete, healing solutions.

What to Expect

Each person is unique with their own personal health concerns and challenges. During your initial session, we’ll discuss your health history, current health concerns and develop both a short and long term treatment plan to help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

Facial Rejuvenation / Cosmetic Acupuncture

The Facial therapy is ideal for someone looking to combat the aging process in a more natural way. This technique improves the appearance of fine lines, lightens dark areas, improves texture and quality of skin tone by lifting and firming.


Proven benefits as an alternative or compliment to other Fertility procedures, support during pregnancy, prep for labor and postpartum support.


Whether using Acupuncture as an alternative, or part of an integrated approach to fertility challenges, Acupuncture has proven to influence the ability of achieving a healthy pregnancy.


Acupuncture helps promote circulation, increasing blood supply to the uterus and ovaries for healthier follicle development and aids the implantation process. Acupuncture helps the body regulate hormone fluctuations that could contribute to fertility challenges. Stress is a significant factor that often accompanies fertility challenges and Acupuncture helps reduce the effect of uncontrollable stressors while increasing the probability of achieving a health pregnancy.
If you decide to pursue additional fertility support such as Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) or Assisted Reparative Technology (ART) i.e. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Acupuncture has been proven to increase the effectiveness of these procedures.


For more complete injury recovery, injury prevention, quicker recoveries and enhance overall performance.

The perfect blend of Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine practices helps Athletes of all levels and ages achieve peak performance while minimizing / preventing injuries. Utilizing a combination of Motor Points, Trigger Points and Acupuncture Points for a more comprehensive treatment strategy has proven to yield quicker and longer lasting results. Don’t wait until you are injured! Our body’s ability to compensate for past injuries & muscle strains often alters our posture and how we move until that “one time”, which seems so insignificant, but can throw our bodies into crisis mode, putting you on the sidelines!

Acupuncture is proven successful in treating a wide range of health conditions. Those conditions include:

Acute & Chronic Pain
Back Pain
Digestive Issues
Fertility Challenges
Hormone Imbalances
Knee Pain
Menstrual Disorders
Prenatal Support
Postpartum Support
Sleep Issues
Sports Injuries
Weight Loss



I first went to see Jennifer Myers because I did not want to have cortisone shots in my knee, so I thought I should try anything to avoid that. I had been in a car accident a year prior and after seeing the doctor, being on different pills and going to physical therapy sessions, my condition had plateaued, I was seeing no improvement and thought I would be cursed with knee pain the rest of my life. I only had knee pain when I kept my knees in the same position for a long time, such as on long car rides, concerts, seeing a movie in the older type theatres, etc. My only alternative given to me by my Doctor was to have cortisone shots under my knee caps.

My wife suggested I give acupuncture a try. I am so glad I did. I was not the most willing of patients however, I was not good about doing the homework, the salt baths, etc that Jennifer recommended, I only did the acupuncture. And boy what a difference. Then one day on a really long car trip to the beach the pain came back. Previously when the pain would come I would try to get my knee into a different position or press against the sore spots but nothing would work, so I thought this time nothing would work again. But amazingly, I shifted my position and in just a few seconds the pain was gone, I was amazed. Ever since, any time I get an inkling of pain, which hardly happens any more as is not near as severe as it was before acupuncture, all I need to do is shift my knee slightly, and the pain is gone. I haven’t seen Jennifer in weeks, and I still feel great, she didn’t just treat my knees, she fixed them, so that I don’t need to keep coming back again and again.

-Dave Gault


It is my pleasure to recommend and endorse Jennifer Myers as an Acupuncturist. I have had several Senior Level Acupuncture Physicians in the past 10 years and she ranks up there with the best. She is an attentive, caring, and insightful practitioner. With her care I was able to successfully complete my final year of Acupuncture School on time. This was quite a feat for me as I was taking care of a 4 year old while going to school full time. The challenges of clinical year often drain you and leave you vulnerable to illness. I attribute our weekly acupuncture sessions to my health and mental stamina. I believe that you will be in good hands with Jennifer Myers. I certainly wish she was living in my hometown because she would still be my Acupuncturist.

– E.O.M.


I can’t say enough wonderful things about the treatment I receive from Jennifer Myers! I came to her in my second to last semester of graduate school a complete mess. I was 8 months post partum with chronic headaches, back pain that brought me to tears, pervasive stomach issues, anxiety and disturbed sleep. I had come to the conclusion that this was how things had to be for the rest of my life. I was extremely skeptical before my first treatment.

I am happy to say that after one treatment with Jennifer Myers my back pain was gone! After 3 treatments every aspect of my issues where completely managed. It’s incredible. I can say that this season of my life is the best yet and I attribute that to Jennifer’s care. I have never felt healthier or better rested. Aside from her stellar treatment. Jennifer is professional and grace giving. Our first session she took an extremely thorough history intake without judgment but support. She makes herself available to her patients at anytime throughout the week which is wonderful. Jennifer’s treatment has become a life saving and integral part of my life which I don’t plan on giving up. I highly recommend her for all seasons of life! Thank you Jennifer!!

– Erica Zeno


When I began seeing Jennifer Myers, I had been suffering from intense pains and pressure in my jaw, neck, and shoulders for several years. I also experienced throbbing and shooting pains in different areas of my back. Immediately–after my first session–I noticed relief from the pain. It has been just over 6 months since my last acupuncture session with Jennifer, and I have experienced none of the pain or pressure in my jaw, neck, or shoulders. Furthermore, my back pain is minimal to nonexistent. I would recommend Ms. Myers to anyone new or returning to acupuncture treatment. Jennifer Myers is both a capable and concerned practitioner. She listens to her patients, taking time to consider their needs; furthermore, Jennifer takes the time to explain her approach and the connectivity behind her procedures.

– W.M.


I wanted to take a minute and tell you of the extremely wonderful experience I’ve had with Jennifer Myers and CHAWA (Core Health and Wellness Acupuncture). As a person, I have been greatly impressed by her compassion and attentive care. Her concern is very apparent during my visits. As a patient, I walked in, bent over and in pain. However, I walked out standing straight and pain free. In my opinion, if you are having pain and need to have your energy flow better, to sleep better and definitely feel better, you shouldn’t hesitate to make an appointment with Jennifer. And to Jennifer, I just wanted to thank you for your gentle healing spirit and professionalism. The calm and tranquil surroundings you provide are much appreciated and enjoyed. My sincere appreciation for all that you do.

-Kelley Haynes


After seeing numerous doctors and another acupuncturist, I have been most impressed with the way that Jennifer Myers dealt with my issues. She did not use a ‘one size fits all’ approach. She took time to do research and come up a variety of therapies to manage my problem. She is professional, knowledgeable and caring. I would highly recommend Jennifer for even the most difficult to treat problems.

-Anne Quinn


I was Jennifer’s patient for about a year before she moved to Atlanta. I had never done acupuncture before, and to be honest, I was a bit skeptical at first. I have always suffered from chronic migraines, and my solution was take medicine and hope for the best. Jennifer always suggested I try acupuncture, and after a few weeks, I finally gave in. Needless to say, I was nervous. But she made me feel right at home and really educated me on what acupuncture was all about. After seeing her twice a month, I was experiencing less migraines than before.

Because of Jennifer Myers, acupuncture became much more than simply finding a way of relieving my migraines. Jennifer helped me see a different side to medicine and preventative care that I had not known before. She also really got to know me as a person rather than a patient, which not only made my experience wonderful, but also facilitated my ability to learn more based on personal experience and understanding. Whether you’re new to the world of acupuncture or not, Jennifer is an amazing person and I would recommend her any day!


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(770) 375-5594